- Australia

- from Latin Terra Australis (16c.), from australis "southern" + -ia. A hypothetical southern continent, known as terra australis incognita, had been proposed since 2c. Dutch explorers called the newfound continent New Holland; the current name was suggested 1814 by Matthew Flinders as an improvement over Terra Australis "as being more agreeable to the ear, and an assimilation to the name of the other great portions of the earth" ["Voyage to Terra Australis"]. In 1817 Gov. Lachlan Macquarie, having read Flinders' suggestion, began using it in official correspondence. The ultimate source is Latin auster "south wind," hence, "the south country."
The Latin sense shift in australis, if it is indeed the same word other Indo-European languages use for east (see aurora), for which Latin uses oriens (see orient), perhaps is based on a false assumption about the orientation of the Italian peninsula, "with shift through 'southeast' explained by the diagonal position of the axis of Italy" [Buck]; see Walde, Alois, "Lateinisches etymologisches Wörterbuch," 3rd. ed., vol. 1, p.87; Ernout, Alfred, and Meillet, Alfred, "Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue latine," 2nd. ed., p.94. Or perhaps the connection is more ancient, and from PIE root *aus- "to shine," source of aurora, which also produces words for "burning," with reference to the "hot" south wind that blows into Italy. Thus auster "(hot) south wind," metaphorically extended to "south."
奥斯忒耳(Auster) 是罗马神话中的南风神,是四大风神之一,相当于希腊神话中的南风神诺托斯(Notus)。他的形象为长有翅膀留有胡子的男人。在希腊神话中,宙斯用大洪水 毁灭人类时,派去降下暴雨的就是南风神奥斯忒耳。英语单词austral(南边的)就来自奥斯忒耳的名字Auster。
荷兰殖民者发现澳大利亚时,将其称为new holland(新荷兰)。1814年,曾经环澳大利亚航行并确认澳大利亚为一块新大陆的英国航海家Matthew Flinders建议用罗马神话中的南风神奥斯忒耳的名字Auster为澳大利亚命名,将其称为Australia,意思就是“南边大陆”。
Auster:['ɔstɚ] n. 奥斯忒耳,南风
austral:['ɒstr(ə)l; 'ɔː-] adj.南的,南方的,南部的,南风的
Australia:[ɒ'streɪlɪə] n.澳大利亚
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:Australia 词源,Australia 含义。
最早,发现澳洲的荷兰航海家阿贝尔·塔斯曼(塔斯马尼亚州以他命名)将这块大陆取名为“新荷兰”(New Holland)。到了1788年,英国殖民者于东部登上了这块贫瘠的大陆,并将澳洲的东边取名为“新南威尔士”(New South Wales,现在的新南威尔士州的雏形),西部地区仍叫新荷兰。
当时无人探索的澳大利亚南部地区被称作Terra Australis(拉丁文,South Land,南方之地)或Terra Australis Incognita(拉丁文,Unknown South Land,南方未知之地)。英国航海家马修·弗林德斯提出议案,建议将整个澳洲改名为Australia,而“新荷兰”则继续以州的形式留在大陆的西边。这一提议一开始是被拒绝的,但后面大家都在用Australia这一称呼,大英帝国最后于1824年通过了这一命名提案。