- April

- April: [14] Aprīlis was the name given by the Romans to the fourth month of the year. It is thought that the word may be based on Apru, an Etruscan borrowing of Greek Aphrō, a shortened version of Aphroditē, the name of the Greek goddess of love. In that case Aprīlis would have signified for the Romans ‘the month of Venus’. English acquired the word direct from Latin, but earlier, in the 13th century, it had borrowed the French version, avril; this survived, as averil, until the 15th century in England, and for longer in Scotland. The term April fool goes back at least to the late 17th century.
=> aphrodite - April

- fourth month, c. 1300, aueril, from Old French avril (11c.), from Latin (mensis) Aprilis, second month of the ancient Roman calendar, of uncertain origin, perhaps based on Apru, an Etruscan borrowing of Greek Aphrodite. Or perhaps *ap(e)rilis "the following, the next," from its place as the second month of the old Roman calendar, from Proto-Italic *ap(e)ro-, from PIE *apo- "away, off" (see apo-; compare Sanskrit aparah "second," Gothic afar "after"). With month-name suffix -ilis as in Quintilis, Sextilis (the old names of July and August). In English in Latin form from mid-12c. Replaced Old English Eastermonað, which was named for a fertility goddess (see Easter). Re-spelled in Middle English on Latin model (apprile first attested late 14c.).
April(四月)来源于拉丁语 Aprilis,在罗马旧历中表示第二月,凯撒大帝改革历法后,增加了两个月,原来的1月变成了3月,自然地原来的二月(Aprilis)就变成了四月,而这个拉丁语词 Aprilis 则是以希腊神话中爱与美之神(Aphrodite)命名的。
阿芙洛狄特,又译为“阿弗洛狄忒”,她是希腊神话奥林匹斯主神之一,作为爱与美的女神,她相当于罗马神话中的维纳斯(Venus)。而关于阿芙洛狄特的诞生则有多个版本,众说不一。根据“赫西奥德神谱”(Hesiod's Theogony)的记载,克洛诺斯把父亲乌拉诺斯阉割后,为了避免自己的行为可能带来的麻烦,他顺势把乌拉诺斯的生殖器往上扔了出去。许多精血从这个割断后被抛出的器官滴到盖亚身上,而那个生殖器却被抛得很远很远,一直落到爱琴海里。从掀起的海浪泡沫中诞生了阿弗洛狄忒(Aphrodite),所以她的名字中就含义泡沫(aphros)之意。而根据《荷马史诗》中的《伊利亚特》(Homer's Iliad)记载,阿芙洛狄特则是由众神之王宙斯(Zeus)和提坦女神狄俄涅(Dione)所生。而根据柏拉图的描述,这两个出处分别记载的是两个不同的人:Aphrodite Ourania and Aphrodite Pandemos。
April:['eiprəl] n. 四月
Aphrodite:[,æfrəu'daiti] n. 阿弗洛狄忒(爱与美的女神,相当于罗马神话中的维纳斯)
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:April 词源,April 含义。
来自拉丁短语mensis Aprilis, 以爱神Aphrodite命名的月份。
4月是树木抽芽,春蕾绽放之月,富于幻想的古罗马人根据拉丁词aperire‘to open’(开放)造了Aprilis 一词,作为该月的月名。但另有一种更为可信的说法,认为Aprilis是以希腊神话中爱与美的女神Aphrodite(阿佛洛狄特)命名的。在恺撒大帝时代以前的罗马年,公历3月为第一个月,Aprilis则为第二个月,英语的4月月名April即源于此。早先英国人把4月叫做Easter-Monath (Easter-Month),即“复活节月”之意。