The results show that the Qinglong jade is mainly composed of serpentined marble,similar to modern Lantian jade in both composition and texture.
Investigated the influence of calcite and fluorite on the metal transfer, non-metallic inclusion in droplet and gas pore in weld metal of stainless steel electrode by means of collecting in a water trough, optical microscopy, SEM, EDS and heap welding on plates,etc respectively.
采用水中收集熔滴、光学显微分析、电子扫描能谱分析、计算机图像分析及平板堆焊等试验方法 ,分别研究了大理石、萤石对不锈钢焊条熔滴过渡行为 ,以及它们对熔滴中非金属夹杂物及焊缝中气孔的影响。