A method of calculating angles of a cutting tool with unit vectors;
Influence of feeding motion on working angle in milling condition;
Three-dimensional finite element analysis of models of mandibular premolar restored with post crown at various angles;
Simulation of the Relations between Bistatic Bottom Scattering and Angles Configuration;
The health status of general population, and of patients, the quantity and quality of medical service, and the degree of residents and patients rights can be assessed respectively from three angles: effectiveness, efficiency, and justice.
卫生政策评价范围所涉及的内容广泛 ,可以从效果、效率、公平三个角度分别评价居民和患者的健康状况 ,医疗服务的质量和数量 ,居民和患者的权力度等 ,因此范围的确定比较困难 ,需考虑评价的目的、角度、内外结合等方面。
For every possible instance in the simulation, the angles i.