
brittle deformation

brittle deformation

  • 翻译:碎裂作用


1)brittle deformation,碎裂作用2)fragmentation,碎裂3)Break,碎裂4)fracture,碎裂5)Cataclastic rock mass,碎裂岩体6)breakage function,碎裂函数


The brittle deformation is a very important mechanism during the thrust formed.


A better transition layer material was confirmed,which overcame the problem of fragmentation and lamination of PDC.


The fragmentation influences the char combustion behavior in a fluidized bed combustor.

利用下行气流振动床代替流化床 ,研究了煤的碎裂特性 。

Based on the perturbative QCD predictions of gluonic distributions and branch cross section of the J/(?) decay via hadronic, electromagnetic,and radiative channels, the strict solutions of LUND area law of string fragmentation had-ronization are used to treat nonperturbative hadronic production processes, a possible description and Monte Carlo packet for the J/(?) hadronic decay are obtained.

基于微扰QCD所预言的J/ψ衰变道胶子分布及其分支截面和LUND弦碎裂模型强子化面积定律的严格解,得到J/ψ所有衰变模式的微扰和非微扰过程的一种可能的描述,相应的Monte Carlo产生器LUARLW所作的初步模拟结果与BES获取的J/ψ数据的多种带电粒子谱分布和事例形状拓扑分布符合较好。

An Analysis on Break of Separating Ring for Horizontal Concasting and Improved Measures;


The results show that the fracture process of weathering is a fractal one.


Failures of IC smart cards,caused by fracture of thin/ultra-thin Si chip,break of wire bonding or ESD etc.


The fracture of thin/ultra-thin silicon dies accounts for half of the failures of IC cards,and its failure modes and failure mechanism are not well understood then.


Based on the results of underground observations and model tests of simulated materials of immediate roof, it is expounded that fragmented roof belongs in cataclastic rock mass,and its caving characteristics is clarified in this paper too.

