
commanding point

commanding point

  • 翻译:制高点


1)commanding point,制高点2)"commanding elevation",“制高点”3)commanding point in space,太空制高点4)high point of the city ,城市制高点5)strategy,战略制高点6)commanding heights of science and technology,科技制高点


In order to explore something of regularity in education, the present paperintroduces the experience, practice and achievements of Qingzhou, a strong city in education, in terms of overall development of quality education with modern technology leading the way, and the seize of the "commanding elevation" of educational modernization.

本文介绍教育大市 (县 )青州以现代教育技术开路 ,全面促进素质教育开展 ,从而抢占教育现代化的“制高点”的经验、做法和收获 ,拟将一些规律性的材料 ,供教育界同仁参考。

They have all regarded the strategic thinking of seizing the commanding heights of science and technology as a matter concerning the fate of the country and nation.

党的三代领导核心始终关注科学技术的发展 ,都从关系国家和民族前途命运的战略高度 ,坚持抢占科技制高点的战略思想 ,并相继相承 ,一以贯之。
