main joint

  • 翻译:众理


1)main joint,众理2)major joint,众理3)public understanding,公众理解4)the audience theory,受众理论5)public rationality,公众理性6)people's rationality,大众理性7)the public understanding of engineering,公众理解工程8)Public Understanding of Science,公众理解科学9)the mass theory,人民群众理论10)ethnography audience research,民族志受众理论


The objective of the present paper is an attempt to measure the public understanding of science in the area of health and hygiene and test the efficacy of "cultural distance model".


When risk events come, the extent of public rationality is an important foundation to cope with crisis.


With the example of controversy on the hydropower exploration of Nujiang,this article elaborates the inspiration on the controversy of mass media on engineering for the public understanding of engineering.


Brian Wynne s reflexivity model of public understanding of science;


Then it summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of consensus conference as a new model of public participation and Public Understanding of Science.


The term public understanding of science(PUS) considers the relationship of science and society with a double focus.

“公众理解科学”一词涉及科学与社会的关系, 有两个方面的含义。
