1.in traditional Chinese medicine, the five organs, the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, and spleen, that control the yin-yang bodily balance and the main body functions
1.Huan Zang cautiously made his way to the place they had been, and found a branch of peach flowers on the ground.
2.Huan Zang had no choice but to say, "Mrs. Qin, I have to tell you honestly that I have no relative living in this area. "
3.Late one cloudy afternoon, when Huan Zang, a young man in his late teens, was passing by the foot of a mountain, he heard a girl's giggling.
4.Yes, due to it I also dare not say it must be Zang ware, but what I can be sure is that it's the thing of southwest minority.
5.She also told Huan Zang that her mother had told her that all of her ghost companions had been reborn as humans.
6.The old man ordered me to appoint an old man of Zang as the minister. He said that this old man could make people live well.
7.Yinling then told Huan Zang that she was born at the coffin of her dead mother.
8.Triple energizer has no exterior-interior relationships with the zang-organs, it is therefore called "solitary fu-organ" .
9.It was the first time Huan Zang had seen his wife weeping. He was confused.
10.Qi and blood in the body are the material basis for the physiological activities of the zang-fu and meridians.