1.a ball bowled in cricket so that it pitches on the ground immediately under the bat
1.I was reminded of that question recently, thanks to a symmetrical bit of history from the archives of The New Yorker.
2.So much of that short stuff that you see in The New Yorker is just a comic idea that some writer gets and puts down.
3.Hopefully, like all children, she will continue to talk only once a week, on the subject of New Yorker cartoons.
4.This was an American journey by a New Yorker who became more American as he went along.
5.He now owns parts of The Learning Channel, The Discovery Channel, and owns publications like The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, and others.
6.Many draw comparisons between its delightful, self-aware elitism and that of The New Yorker.
7.New York may not be a tourist attraction to a New Yorker, but for a Londoner, it may have many charms.
8.Once upon a time, before The New Yorker featured photos and illustrations, the cartoon was the magazines' visual star.
9.Take a tour with a Big Apple Greeter Explore New York's unique neighborhoods with your very own local tour guide, a "real" New Yorker.
10.It is, though, as the New Yorker has it, a "frozen-dessert origin myth" .