1.During this one week duration, at least one hundred monks, yogis and nuns will be doing special practices and prayers throughout the day.
2.When the moment of death arrives, even great yogis who have transcended the cycle of existence, are for a moment fearful.
3.Inner peace is not reserved only to yogis, hermits or monks, living in some far away place, praying or meditating all day long.
4.For us Sahaj Yogis, the schools program is very satisfying seeing the positive results and eagerness with which they take to it.
5.Once again I was caught up in the dilemma of facing the collective, this time a far larger group of yogis and yogini's.
6.In the Buddhist tradition the monks and yogis are able to be so disciplined because they have something called Bodhicitta.
7.Being part of a tradition of generations of Yogis that have already practiced all these techniques is a magic thought for me.
8.So if you want to enjoy good health and be peaceful in mind and spirit, follow the advice of the great yogis: Stay away from gambling.
9.As you may have heard, becoming a vegetarian is a decision many yogis often make.
10.There were the wilderness prophets of John the Baptist and Moses, as well as the Yogis who sought a deeper awareness of self in retreat.