1.Is there anything that ends up in a system area or subdirectory of a system area that might be writable by non-administrators?
2.This warning indicates that the writable extent of the specified buffer might be smaller than the index used to write to it.
3.The labels also incorporate a white panel created using special writable varnish on to which hospital staff can write patient details.
4.Overwrite writable files that are not checked out to allow the system to overwrite existing files.
5.What happened there was you added yourself to the "www-data" group, and made the website folder writable to the members of the "www-data"
6.A writable Stream instance used to store data to be sent to the server by the current request.
7.For this little walkthrough, however, start by making a local, writable copy of the samples directory off the EDK CD-ROM.
8.Place a writable copy of a file or a project from a Visual SourceSafe database into a working folder.
9.The standard patterns can be replaced with custom patterns by setting the associated properties of a writable DateTimeFormatInfo.
10.If the statement assigns a value to an expression, replace the expression with a single writable variable, property, or array element.