1.an area set aside for an inpidual worker or a business
1.Team Foundation is designed in such a way that you do not have to create multiple workspaces on your computer to complete everyday tasks.
2.Hereafter, whenever users log in and try to create workspaces, they will be able to see these changes by default.
3.You could then merge these offline Workspaces back, in their entirety, into the child that spawned from.
4.Workspaces could also be created and saved, allowing you to save your file locations and groups for future use.
5.It would be interesting to see videos of workspaces used by other teams.
6.Optionally, you could create child Workspaces and extract them completely to a separate encyclopedia for offline working.
7.Specifies the name of a client computer by which to filter the list of workspaces for the server.
8.Although it is possible to switch workspaces in Eclipse, many users use a single workspace that contains all their projects.
9.Subsequently running a get of the item from other workspaces (either by you or other users) deletes the item from those workspaces.
10.This allows you to launch two instances of Eclipse, pointing at different workspaces but which are sharing the same class cache.