1.a poorhouse in Britain in the past
1.Oliver cried loudly. If he could have known that he was a workhouse orphan, perhaps he would have cried even more loudly.
2.Then I told him about the wastage of food in the workhouse kitchen, and what I thought of it.
3.He had heard old men in the workhouse say it was a good place for brave boys, and that there was always work there for those that wanted it.
4.You know, I feel very sorry for you, Workhouse, but the truth is your mother was a wicked woman.
5.When he reached the workhouse, he waited for a minute to make sure his face was suitably tearful and frightened.
6.At three I left the workhouse kitchen and went back to the spike. The, boredom in that crowded, comfortless room was now unbearable.
7.The site only allowed for the building to be one room deep, as a workhouse and a barracks lay immediately behind.
8.Mrs Symmons sent for a hackney coach to remove Eliza and her dead child from her house to the Marylebone Workhouse infirmary.
9.Also, I had my dinner from the workhouse table, and it was one of the biggest meals I have ever eaten.
10.He was convinced by the three marks, and the children were taken from the workhouse.