1.Same as wolframite
1.Those show that people are trying to use Wolfram Alpha for complicated things like comparing the economies of two countries.
2.And if you think the word channel makes Wolfram sound like an executive, you'd be right.
3.Indeed, maybe it is actually wrong to call it a search engine at all (and Wolfram prefers to call it a "computational knowledge engine" ).
4.And two, even if you know which planes are in the sky, radar data is delayed, so Wolfram Alpha has to project a plane's course.
5.First, he said, it has to "pass a test" with "serious users" - by which he means academics and computational users.
6.Wolfram Alpha will show plenty of financial data that's easy to find on sites such as Yahoo Finance, but it goes a few steps beyond, too.
7.Late in 1981 Wolfram then set out on an ambitious new direction in science aimed at understanding the origins of complexity in nature.
8.As for the name "Alpha, " Wolfram sees this as the start of a decades-long project to build a system that can compute all human knowledge.
9."If you were to look at our whole to-do list, which is a scary thing to do, to finish it would take 20 years, " Wolfram said.
10.It was made out of light alloy, and had a wolfram kernel inside.