1.During the recovery period in the Malpes, I was deeply moved to see that everyone who was able to help did willingly pitch in.
2.Britain appears to be following this route at the moment, willingly or not.
3.That means you need to offer something of value, which puts them in a frame of mind so they'll willingly share information with you.
4.Willingly give thyself up to Clotho , one of the Fates, allowing her to spin thy thread into whatever things she pleases.
5.This would be a sad story if professional media had not willingly cooperated in their own demise.
6.they will be able to tell when a woman is willingly committing a crime or has been forced into prostitution.
7.I'm only little for such a short time. Please take time to explain things to me about this wonderful world, and do so willingly.
8.One example would be to say that you willingly sacrifice your interest for the good of the team in a particular project.
9.We said: the word leads to illusion which we worship, and for this illusion we destroy each other willingly.
10.If you ask him to enjoy with you, he'll be happy to hear that and willingly lead you.