1.ways of persuading or tricking someone so that they do what you want
1.Jiang said he was waiting for other mathematicians to point out the obvious errors in Wiles' proof of FLT.
2.Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
3."Because you found none of your social level to ply your wiles on? " he laughed harshly.
4.The police were unable to penetrate the wiles of the cat burglar.
5.It is about a beautiful and fractious zingara who loves Don Jose, an army officer, and used all her wiles to tempt him into loving her.
6.She danced gracefully, she loved finery, and her crisp intelligence polished the wiles of a Southern coquette.
7.You can keep it alive by being a responsive lover, by looking attractive, and by using some of the feminine wiles you used during courtship.
8.While I still love paper books, the digital wiles of eBooks are looking increasingly attractive to me.
9.His wiles and quirks do not diminish his humanity .
10.The powers that rule us talk about it. But they resist it with all the wiles and techniques at their command.