1.a small object or piece of equipment that you do not know the name of
2.a typical object made in large numbers in a factory
1.Other themes might have more than one sidebar defined, and if so, you'll be able to select it from the Current Widgets drop-down box.
2.For this article, you focus on getting widgets on the screen and a bit of interactivity.
3.For a large number of widgets, this will quickly add up to a large footprint both in memory and JVM startup time.
4.IBM Mashup Center provides many ready-to-use widgets that you can use for building mashup applications.
5.I would also guess that if you were to use these widgets you would want them to look like they belong on your site.
6.The company also provides an iPhone app, as well as a number of blog widgets that are not directly related to its core business.
7.By populating dijit. Dialog with HTML markup and widgets, we determine how the body of the dialog box is going to look.
8.Many food production workers labor in difficult, even deplorable, conditions, and animals are produced as if they were widgets.
9.Once you sign up for a free iCloud account, you're ready to start exploring the dozens of applications and widgets.
10.Now that you understand how the widgets interoperate on the page, you can take it a step further and create a more complex situation.