1.a blog
1.This has the advantage that you can produce a ready-made RSS file, so the aggregate weblog can be added to users' personal RSS readers.
2.Anybody with access to a computer, a modem, and a little software can share his thoughts with the world through a weblog, or blog.
3.To send a discussion item or to post an item to a team blog (weblog), include your content in the body of the message.
4.Tag- body in the Weblog occurs near the others , the block of stuff that contains the IP address of hosts will be easy to compress .
5.You could host a weblog on a box like this, although you'd want to have some kind of secondary storage for the actual data files.
6.A typical Web application that uses this sort of architecture is a Weblog like SlashDot (see Resources).
7.Chris Finke, the developer of the URL Fixer add-on, posted in his weblog last week that the extension is now fully Fennec compatible.
8.Connecting with community. By connecting with several weblogs belonging to a dense weblog network new blogger connects with a community.
9.Weblog, as the product of destiny, pumped new life into the knowledge management with its various characteristics.
10.It allows you to start with your favourite weblog (or perhaps even your own) and find. . .