1.to make someone physically less strong and healthy, or to become less strong and healthy; to make a structure more likely to break, or to become more likely to break
2.to make someone or something less powerful or important, or to become less powerful or important
3.to make someone less determined or less certain; if someone weakens about an opinion or a decision, they become less certain about it
4.if prices weaken, they fall
1.to make someone physically less strong and healthy, or to become less strong and healthy; to make a structure more likely to break, or to become more likely to break
2.to make someone or something less powerful or important, or to become less powerful or important
3.to make someone less determined or less certain; if someone weakens about an opinion or a decision, they become less certain about it
4.if prices weaken, they fall
1.That makes them reluctant to mail the keys to the bank and walk away if the market weakens, although a few speculators do so anyway.
2.Dehydration, which weakens the body and makes you feel heavy, is one of the dire effects of a hangover.
3.The condition, which can be caused by high blood pressure, a virus or other factors, severely weakens the heart and causes it to swell.
4.It is not that he either vacillates or weakens, as you know well.
5.On the surface pressure fields, a strongly warm low center over the African-Asian continents weakens through the abrupt change.
6.Several Komodos will track the buffalo for days, or even weeks, as it slowly weakens, before they are able to move in and devour it.
7.Demand for China's exports is under threat as the U. S. recovery weakens and European officials grapple with a sovereign-debt crisis.
8.Where the UV light shines through, it chemically weakens the photoresist, leaving a pattern on the surface of the silicon.
9.As growth weakens across the world, the Bank of England and the European Central Bank must start loosening.
10.But Mr. Gault said the trade deficit could improve in the coming months; imports may slow as consumer demand weakens.