1.the distance between two waves of sound or light that are next to each other
1.If it were to take on a different value, the wavelengths of these lines would change.
2.Using a special sensor inside ALI called Hyperion, scientists have been able to see wavelengths of light that are invisible to our eyes.
3.The traditional answer to this question was that most of the sun's radiation is visible light, so our eyes evolved to see those wavelengths.
4.A dispersion reflecting all wavelengths of light surface is white and a absorb all the wavelengths of light of the surface is black.
5.They thus have sine waves with large amplitudes and short wavelengths, both of which make them easy to see.
6.Even if it ultimately proved possible to make an aeroplane completely invisible at all wavelengths, there would be a further problem.
7.Wavelengths of light that are allowed to travel are known as modes, and groups of allowed modes form bands.
8.And what you see here is these cells glowing in the dark under certain wavelengths of light.
9.One of three main instruments on the orbiting observatory, the AIA takes pictures of the sun in ten wavelengths every ten seconds.
10.In terms of a spectral definition of color, saturation is the ratio of the dominant wavelength to other wavelengths in the color.