1.the front part of a bomb or missile that explodes
1.If it is possible to reduce the number of UK warheads further, Britain will be ready to do so.
2.At the height of the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union had between them tens of thousands of nuclear warheads.
3.For a while, perhaps through the decade, the United States would retain a clear edge in numbers of warheads.
4.FFARs give an aircraft a large number of high-explosive warheads which can be fired with good precision at the enemy.
5.Mr Lee reiterated that the ultimate goal of any negotiations should be decommissioning Pyongyang's atomic warheads.
6.The total weight of the warhead or warheads, guidance systems, and other payload of a missile, not including the weight of the rocket.
7.India is also trying to equip its Agni ballistic missiles with such warheads and to deploy them on submarines.
8.British and French missiles, like those of the United States, are protected against accidental launch or detonation of their warheads.
9.Those two stockpiles give it enough enriched uranium to make up to six nuclear warheads, should it choose to do so.
10.On top of their deployed (ready to launch) warheads, both the US and Russia are estimated to each have about 10, 000 warheads in storage.