1.to provide supporting evidence for the quality of somebody or something
2.to cite somebody such as an authority in support of something
3.to assert or declare something
4.in English law, to summon somebody to court to prove ownership of land
1.to provide supporting evidence for the quality of somebody or something
2.to cite somebody such as an authority in support of something
3.to assert or declare something
4.in English law, to summon somebody to court to prove ownership of land
1.Many ventures may encounter vouching problems in financing, while credit- vouching operation is an effective approach to solve it.
2.People have been heard many times vouching that the application of Feng Shui color principles really works.
3.Lots of medium- and small-sized credits vouching agencies have been established since 1999, but imperfect and many problems accompanied.
4.He also argues that these people helped Indian software companies break into the American market by vouching for their quality.
5.Officials from several states have proposed Washington help with more aid or by vouching for state debt.
6.Therefore, the only skills worth formally vouching for are those that require substantial effort to learn.
7.The goal isn't to put words into your former colleague's mouth or to co-opt her into vouching for you in an untrue or disingenuous manner;
8.These are references vouching for his ability.