a fruit and veg stall
He likes the traditional meat and two veg for his main meal.
1.〈口〉同“vegetable. A dinner with two veg”
1.<spoken>Same as vegetable. A dinner with two veg
1.to sit and relax
1."It is a bit of an ordeal to go to the supermarket because the veg is usually right by the door, " she said.
2.I decided to veg out with a good book.
3.I'm going out of town for a few days to veg out completely.
4.I'm want to go other town for a few days to veg out completely.
5.A whole pot of coffee couldn't keep me awake. I'm going straight home to veg -- maybe watch a little television, then go to bed.
6.a whole pot of coffee couldnt keep me awake. im going straight home to veg--maybe watch a little television, then go to bed.
7.Veg-out: to relax and not think at all - like a vegetable.
8.Bonus restaurant tip: If you pass by a health food type store walk in and ask about local veg-friendly restaurants.
9.The study in the Journal of Nutrition said the average person only eats three portions of fruit and veg a day.
10.Fruit &Veg. Fruit and vegetables provide you with vitamins, minerals and fibre to help keep your body healthy.