1.So this identifies a number of thermal neutrons absorbed in control rods and water and that's sort of the thermal utilisation.
2.Article 11 Land used for highway construction shall be dealt with in accordance with the "Land utilisation law of the PRC" .
3.Plastic parts made of hardened PVC , PE or similar materials, and non- ferrous metal composites, are transferred to a separate utilisation .
4.The law contains regulations concerning the utilisation of the patent (licensing) as well as the rights and obligations of the parties.
5.The usage pricing is also being restructured, from a CPU utilisation model to one of CPU instance hours, and to a per-API call operation.
6.As of today, measures of capacity utilisation are not as high as at the end of 2007, and unemployment is not as low as it was then.
7.All information required for utilisation and maintenance should be at the disposal of whoever has responsibility for the entire structure.
8.Will Xi'an be considered as an alternative option, in consider of the re utilisation of the Italy Pavilion?
9.Yet growth is still more important for the standard of living than utilisation of existing capacity.
10.Digital: PertaInIng to the utilisation of discrete Integral numbers to represent quantities that occur In a problem or calculation.