1.Therefore, when disaster strikes, companies must be prepared to eliminate or minimize data loss, and recover quickly with useable data.
2.It can be drawn into the human body and transformed, by the chakra system, into a more subtle and useable form of energy.
3.The user guide provides him with all the useable elements that are pre styled to look like the iOS interface.
4.Note that the other address is for a local network and would not be useable except within the local network .
5.High breathing is naturally shallow and a larger percentage of it fails to reach the alveoli and enter into useable gaseous exchange.
6.Figurine of the Colossus: This item is now useable when the user has no mana.
7.For every container it displays ID, name, type, total pages, useable pages, and whether the container is currently accessible or not.
8.Pyongyang warned it would resume reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel into material useable for weapons by the end of this week.
9.are generally classed as the producers only of books, or other useable or saleable articles, which directly emanate from them.
10.When the line is down, the protocol is always down, because there is no useable media for the Layer 2 protocol.