The bike is rusty but usable.
How can we display this data in a usable form?
1.可资利用的, 合用的
1.available or appropriate to be used for a particular purpose
1.Extracting usable advice from high promising books can be like trying to nail custard pies to the side of a barn.
2.Hyperlinks are designed to be clicked, so to make them usable, it makes sense to ensure that they're easy to click .
3.The analysis and result of simulation are useful to optimize the packaging of high-power supply module and enhance the usable life of it.
4.Figuring out how to put the fuel into a usable weapon will also take time perhaps a year or more.
5.That's not simple as in primitive or lacking sophistication, but simple as in easy to understand, usable, and intuitive.
6.The best form of usable nitrogen seems to be a combination of di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) and yeast extract.
7.The manuscript might be usable , the editor wrote, if the author could fill it out a little.
8.This invention is to make a mirror illuminator usable as an illuminator for the card holder or accessory case of a sun visor main body.
9.My wife and I often like to read if we awaken during the night. Are any of the e-readers back-lit, i. e. usable in the dark?
10.Source Package: A package which contains the original code for a program, which must be compiled to be usable on a particular architecture.