a member of the upper class/upper classes
1.buses Britain did not get off easy in Australia, get off early to be ready, come from the turmoil of the upper class.
2.There is always resistance in the lower classes to any attempt by an upper class to lay down rules for "English as it should be spoken. "
3.Upper-class people are indulged: Mr Dolphus Raymond is a wealthy white man from a "fine old family" who prefers the company of black people.
4.And maybe the upper-class are the only ones fortunate to be able to work long hours for hefty compensation.
5.The governor was written as a kind of guide book on what sort of education young men required if they were to succeed in the upper class.
6.Despite this drastic life change, Lara still retains the essence of her upbringing - most notably with her polite, upper-class accent.
7.But the marked increase of the salaried rich shows just how much the upper class has changed in recent decades.
8.Part of their strategy, he said, was to attract upper-class tourists so the city did not become a backpacker haven, like Kathmandu.
9.This movement, arising as it does among the poor themselves, is likely to have more force than if it was from upper class.
10.Although Gatsby from poor, However, he has been able to dream of a society among the upper class, with the beloved Daisy together forever.