1.Rather than a cell phone needing a minute to upload a compressed megapixel-size image, it might be able to handle 10 such images a second.
2.The system administrator needs to be able to run a batch process to upload new users as well as download users that are already signed up.
3.Below are a few examples I found, the interface of the first like is extremely easy to use and easy to upload pictures.
4.Some net pals have ever asked me if I could upload these songs as a commemoration, or just as a re-collection of memories.
5.Whatever you see on your screen will be displayed to all of the other participants in the meeting. You do not need to upload anything.
6.Id like media upload so sort of id like them to be compressed as much as possible without quality loss.
7.Imagine this same capability allowing you to upload a model of your own home to your computer to aid in construction or decorating.
8.The plug-in automatically creates a static Web site (such as a bunch of HTML pages) that are ready to upload to any server.
9.I should be able to get the result of my score before next Tuesday. and I will upload a copy to you once I receive it.
10.Easy to use, hi-performance pure asp include - multiple files upload script with HTML progress bar indicator, without external components.