1.If a state bank came to do this, the policies of the bank would make it unviable because of interest rates.
2.Their building began before World War II but in 1949 was quickly wound up because it had been admitted to be unviable.
3.This will save the expense of building pipelines to plants onshore and thus allow "stranded" gas, once thought unviable, to be exploited.
4.Thus, maintaining economically unviable state enterprises and supporting them through the banking system results in large implicit costs.
5.Once unviable competitors are gone, there will be a mad rush to replace them by companies -- like mine -- waiting in the wings.
6.For the public, the most controversial aspect of this research is that the fertilised embryos that are used become unviable.
7.And since everyone in your position also thinks he deserves a huge sum, the venture quickly becomes unviable.
8.Landholdings this small are "economically unviable to sustain a family, " the government says.