1.used as a polite word for ugly
1.It was a little unsightly, she said, but it wasn't affecting her vision so she wasn't overly worried about it at the time.
2.Pilling is often the first sign of wear due to abrasion; it causes a cloth to have an unsightly and disheveled appearance.
3.More importantly, this does not worry about cleaning the lid will be like a wire brush after the ball leaves unsightly scratches.
4.Some researchers claim that it was common at this time for genteel women to pluck them off, since they were considered to be unsightly .
5.A drip irrigation system is unobtrusive and can be easily concealed so that the unsightly tubes do not mar the look of your property.
6.You don't want a bulky brick attached to the back of your phone, or an unsightly wire connecting it to a separate device while it charges.
7.It's unsightly to see food particles or grease on the rim of your glass.
8.Around the door handles and light switches there are unsightly zones of dirty finger marks.
9.The stream that dries up this month and is a torrent next month is unsightly, unhealthy, and useless, and is but a transient drain-pipe.
10.Regular trimmings to your hair and good conditioner should help to prevent this unsightly picture of a split end of a human hair.