1.Social group complexity did not predict the uniqueness of each voice, but the size of the groups did.
2.To ensure uniqueness, the conversion process uses the name, version, and public key from an assembly to produce a LIBID.
3.Couplets with the uniqueness of the above, but the couplet is still a literary form, with literature, the general and universal character.
4.The uniqueness of Duras lies upon the space-realization of the writing process by the concept of "the dark room of writing" .
5.Its uniqueness in the abundance of wildlife and the true African nature of the region, offers a safari experience of a lifetime.
6.Charm in a man, I suppose, is his ability to capture the complicity of a woman by a single-minded acknowledgment of her uniqueness.
7.Everyone likes feeling important, and nothing says important quite like a sense of uniqueness with a global backdrop.
8.In his essay "The Proper Means of Regulating Sorrow, " * Dr. Johnson identifies the dreadful uniqueness of grief among the human passions.
9.Humanitari an and group activities are favored. Your uniqueness is an asset to you, and others find you to be an interesting person.
10.Uniqueness of tokens also results in an additional failure mode when attempting to connect a slot using a token that has already been used.