1.This summer first Iceland and then the Faroe Islands unilaterally jacked up the amount of the fish they intend to let their fishermen catch.
2.The Province is unilaterally changing quotas on how much tobacco First Nations people can purchase.
3.Bacara demanded the best of his men, and would tolerate nothing less, unilaterally reassigning soldiers who did not meet his high standards.
4.If Greece, Ireland, and Portugal do not restructure their debt in an orderly fashion they will ultimately have to default unilaterally.
5.Each Contracting Party may unilaterally disallow any tariff filed or charged by one of its own designated airlines.
6.Keith, the Calgary scientist, sees no real incentive, at this point, for any inpidual country to unilaterally geoengineer the climate.
7.In game theory, if no player has anything to gain by unilaterally changing strategies, the game is said to be in a Nash equilibrium.
8.Except in case of emergency or in the interests of the depositor, the place and method for safekeeping may not be changed unilaterally.
9.But its Congolese chairman has unilaterally decided to let sales from Zimbabwe's disputed Marange diamond fields resume.
10.The next day, however, Mr Kibaki responded with apparent contempt to Mr Odinga's climb down by unilaterally appointing 17 cabinet ministers.