1.Note: Avoid touching the eye and keep away from children. Consult a doctor immediately in case of any sign of uneasiness .
2.The reasons for this uneasiness about women speaking can be non-trivially summed up in all that "social intercourse" for women might imply.
3.There was rising in him a dreadful uneasiness ; something very precious thathe wanted to hold seemed close to destruction.
4.He tried to fall asleep, but a sense of uneasiness tugged at him.
5.When I first landed on the land, I could feel no sense of the uneasiness in a strange place, but some familiarity.
6.There was rising in him a dreadful uneasiness ; something very precious that he wanted to hold seemed close to destruction.
7.He did not tell his daughter this; but Natasha perceived this dread and uneasiness of her father's, and felt mortified by it.
8.In social situations, there is an uneasiness, clumsiness, or perhaps some sort of minor embarrassment or faux pas on your part.
9.After whole body is uneasiness, I step back to open his to say, he said a words: "The good boldness of vision of over Mr. Yan. "
10.I spent the night trying to reassure her, and she sent me off the next morning displaying a distinct uneasiness which I could not fathom.