1.an insulting word for someone who is less important or has lower status in an organization than someone else
1.Yet just as I was feeling vaguely invigorated, I came upon a rule that tells managers to think of their underlings like baseball cards.
2.He finished by inviting underlings to go with him on a "journey" named Accelerate!
3.he had been blinded and deceived by his own underlings, and even found himself under the menace of his unruly workers.
4.He later demanded that Ms. Merkel forbid her underlings from criticizing him, according to people familiar with the matter.
5.though he was compelled to retain the sentiment in his heart, because Heathcliff plainly meant his underlings to hold him in honour.
6.The canine-snouted Barada was one of many violent underlings in Jabba the Hutt's court.
7."They're robbed by underlings, " said Fanny shortly. "Just what I said. "
8.Supervise and guide the underlings on the general management like 5S, make sure the staffs work and behave as the company's standards.
9.Don't take it personally: Even well-paid top dogs feel insecure at work now and again and take their frustrations out on their underlings.
10.Certainly his underlings dislike the sectarian style Mr Wolfowitz seems to share with the man who appointed him.