1.if an idea, statement, or situation is uncontroversial, the majority of people accept that it is right; if someone is uncontroversial, they do not do or say things that cause disagreements or arguments
1.For uncontroversial changes, the NPC is usually allowed to decide itself but more important decisions are made by the party.
2.In Europe, the idea that tax rises might be part of the solution to soaring debts is uncontroversial.
3.To have asserted that dreams often portray the satisfaction of longings which reality denies would have been uncontroversial.
4.Had he lived, his theory of collective action might well have won him a Nobel prize in economics, though not a wholly uncontroversial one.
5.That's not to say that crime and punishment issues are uncontroversial here.
6.Thus, we can picture the relation of the legal analyst to his material as being uncontroversial in one of two opposite ways.
7.A recent revision to its privacy policy was, relative to past experiences, largely uncontroversial.
8.Thank you for asking a question that I can answer with an uncontroversial answer.
9.As he argued, there were several benign and uncontroversial ways in which R2P could be made more real.
10.The subject of rich folks giving away their money to charity might be uncontroversial in the U. S. , but in China it's not.