1.Then, as you'll happily and unavoidably discover, all that "focus" business has a peculiar way of taking care of itself.
2.Remaining in a state of confusion (ignorance), we, unavoidably, subject ourselves to this and that misfortunes and undesirable conditions.
3.I felt stunned by the awful event; and my memory unavoidably recurred to former times with a sort of oppressive sadness.
4.In a word , the trained sagacity and untiring caution of himself were all he had to rely on, amid the critical risks he unavoidably ran .
5.Denervation will unavoidably result in atrophy of the innervated muscles, apoptosis is considered to be one of the atrophy mechanisms.
6.It is marvelous for China to have developed to such a high level in such a short time. Of course, unavoidably, we have many problems.
7.As it is prosperous , the real estate unavoidably goes into a mere repetition similar to other industries, due to the lack of innovation.
8.My memory unavoidably recurred to former times with a sort of oppressive sadness .
9.Public management of any undertakings and concerns unavoidably results in financial failure and poor service.
10.For any delay which unavoidably occurred during the last few weeks, by reason of the removal and alterations, I express my sincere regret.