1.[Animal]an animal with a shell and four short legs that lives on the land, in the ocean, or in rivers and lakes, mainly used in American English
2.[Animal]a turtle that lives in the ocean, mainly used in British English
1.On Feeding Turtles: When and How Much?
2.The Turtles simply picked up their envelopes and checked to make sure their positions and orders were all as they were supposed to be.
3."Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" sold like hot cakes. They were all sold out when I got to the store.
4.Even if it was arguably a bad long-term move to cater to clients' desires for less leverage, there was only so much Turtles could do.
5.There will be a lot of fish, sharks and turtles trying to get out of this water they detect is not suitable.
6.The turtles have not yet been named. Jacoby has not said how much they were purchased for.
7.The fish and turtles dug down and buried themselves in the mud, frantically trying to keep wet and save themselves.
8.Researchers have collected the bodies in an attempt to determine whether the turtles died due to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
9."You've got to take care of your turtles, so they can take care of you, " he said in a priestly way.
10.During research, I found a chat forum posting with what appeared to be an inside view of the Turtles' allocations.