1.a record player, especially the type used by djs; a flat round part of a record player that you put records on to play them
2.a round flat area used for turning train engines round
1.Easy to install with a complete selection of standard 45o degree and 90o degree curves, as well as custom curves and turntables.
2.Decks Turntables. Typical set-up would involve two turntables and a mixer which would be channelled through a PA system.
3.As hip-hop grew in popularity, the DJ with his two turntables, and the MC armed with a microphone, became regular features at urban parties.
4.turntables are widely used in navigation , astro navigation and weapons , which have various types and usage.
5.Turntables can be installed to assist in the removal of the bogies to other maintenance areas.
6.Vienna has something for everyone: from an elegant dinner or a glass of wine at a wine tavern to the latest music trends on club turntables.
7.Our selection of stereo systems with turntables is somewhat limited, but we do have this system over here.
8.Personal CD players will join record turntables and cassette decks in the history books.
9.For me, it was turntables.
10.By this method, the TFDES has been constructed for diagnosising the faut of three axis turntables, and the effect is well.