a troublesome cough/child/problem
1.causing problems or difficulties, especially in an annoying way
1."That shows how much you don't know, " Yossarian bluffed, and told Doc Daneeka about the troublesome pain in his liver.
2.She had a way of speaking about her children as if they were rather troublesome nephews on a prolonged visit.
3.This is more like an air rage incident in which you land and get rid of the troublesome passengers and then continue on to your destination.
4.She looked a little bored by his insistence. She knew very well that they couldn't, but it was troublesome to have to produce a reason.
5.Mamma, " Later on, I found Mummy to be a little bit troublesome and wordy , but I had no antipathy. "
6.The project team should assess the architectural soundness of applications that turned out to be troublesome in a production environment.
7.Tom wasn't worried about his head injury, but it was to be troublesome for him later.
8.The company soon realized she had an unusual knack for identifying extremely low levels of troublesome chemicals.
9.Xu: You dare to have her idea! Did not say that this, has taken the contract, so as to avoid you annoy troublesome.
10.Who knows, she might even do it persuasively enough to be able to dispense with her troublesome SPD partners next year.