1.凯旋;胜利,征服 (over);大成功,功绩;胜利[成功]的喜悦,得意洋洋的样子;最好的例子
1.欢庆胜利,得胜而狂欢;得胜,战胜,打败,成功 (over) 【古罗马】举行凯旋式
1.a great victory or success; the proud or excited feeling that you get when you have won something or have been successful
1.to win a great victory, or to have a great success
1.The counterrevolution has triumphed before in France, just as reforming governments have been chucked out in Britain.
2.I wish I could go for a walk, too, but so far the desire to spend the time at my desk has triumphed.
3.And I thank the millions of men and women whose steadfastness and sacrifice triumphed over Depression, fascism and Communism.
4.And I thank the millions of men and women whose steadfastness and sacrifice triumphed over depression and fascism.
5.She had no plans for it, but her message of personal dignity, civil courage and independent thought had triumphed. At least for a few weeks.
6.As usual, the forces of darkness have triumphed over good. Life is nothing but misery, briefly interspersed with agony .
7.They had no doubt that the civil war was at an end, and to them it appeared impossible that the just cause of the North had not triumphed.
8.Mr. Moore's good constitution quickly triumphed over his indisposition. In a few days he shook it off.
9.Sponsored by the U. S. Chamber of Commerce and MassMutual, the award recognizes small businesses that have triumphed over adversity.
10.But Lula triumphed over the odds to become "the poor boy who came from a shack to be president of Brazil" .