1.三人一组,三个一组,三种事物[思想]的组合,三合一;【乐】三和弦;【植】三分体,三分细胞;【化】三价原子,三价基;(古 Wales 诗形的)三组配合;〈美〉(战略核力量的)三元体系
1.a secret Chinese organization of criminals
1.It may signal what psychologists call the dark triad of psychopathic, narcissistic, and Machiavellian personality disorders.
2.Women exhibit the dark-side triad too, and can become accustomed to power and its perks as easily as a man can.
3.In the first part of that triad, a study of the concept of triad gangs.
4.He found a similar link between the dark triad and reproductive success in men.
5.If you're looking for another woman for your Sexy Time Triad, it could be ideal for you to do the fishing.
6.Project Eagle Triad welcomes YOU with open starship hatches! Our global lightworker Eagle family would LOVE for you to join us!
7.Mixed set in Long She grew up in an environment, from urinating joined the triad.
8.Triad of interception did not prevent Kevin rejoin, Kevin's arrival has brought a turning point for the team.
9.This energy is shining down in the Triad Portals through the emerging 144-Crytsalline Grid. Employ them, it is how the Ascension occurs!
10.Every breath that you draw into your body requires you to take a step or make the effort from one part of the triad to another.