1.a treatable illness or medical condition can be cured by medical treatment
1.Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis, or XDR-TB, will not respond to any of those drugs but might still be treatable.
2.What they were trying to say is that prostate cancer is often very treatable when detected in its early stages.
3.WD is a drug-treatable hereditary disease, which is rare. However without reasonable treatment, outcome is often fatal.
4."Hypertension is the best treatable risk factor for dementia and stroke, " he said.
5.Although multi-drug resistant TB is treatable, it takes up to two years and can cost 100 times more than treating regular TB.
6.It is non heat-treatable. It has excellent resistance to corrosion and is widely used in the chemical and food processing industries.
7.Diarrhoeal disease is treatable with a solution of clean water, sugar and salt, and with zinc tablets.
8.Now, it is becoming a chronic but treatable condition for many patients, akin to heart disease or AIDS, said the paper.
9.But later that evening, a biopsy revealed that the tumor was an extremely rare form of cancer that is treatable with surgery.
10.Her ulcerative colitis is minor and treatable with medication, so she should feel better within the next few weeks.