1.Some frameworks also allow you to "daisy-chain" traversal functions, meaning you can concatenate traversal commands to one another.
2.As you can see, daisy chaining allows you to concatenate several DOM traversal statements together.
3.Obviously , remembering all this information becomes harder as the traversal path becomes longer , as is wont to happen for larger systems .
4.Tokens form what is known as the traversal operator, which indicates that you wish to follow a particular arc from each resource.
5.User specified nodes as a starting point, the output of each node traversal visit Spanning Tree sequence and the corresponding set of edges.
6.To support this, I created a little recursive traversal function that walks all the nodes of a gnosis. xml. objectify object.
7.Searches can have either a shallow scope (also referred to as shallow traversal) or a deep scope (also referred to as deep traversal).
8.A final note: By inserting elements into a search tree and then performing an inorder traversal, we obtain the elements in sorted order.
9.In the third part of a traversal expression, the context is one of the partial results from the first and second parts.
10.Since Neo4j is a database, each access to the graph structure - read, write, and traversal - are managed by an ACID transaction system.