1.a bad experience that makes you feel very upset, afraid, or shocked; a feeling of being very upset, afraid, or shocked after a bad experience
2.a serious injury
1.Mrs Clinton has also positioned herself brilliantly for a presidential run after the traumas of her White House years.
2.As she confided more, he volunteered stories of his own romantic traumas to help her feel at ease.
3.How much do financial traumas lead to economic slowdowns?
4.As stated above, those who are able to convert traumas into growth experiences are often able to do so through sudden insight or revelation.
5.Furthermore, the changing of the family structure might lead to the great psychic traumas to the children.
6.'Muscle aches and pain, minor traumas, sprains and strains typically do not need to be seen by a doctor, ' says Dr.
7.I just, you know, I just must never give in, never never never must I give in to anything that traumas me.
8.Improbably, the traumas suffered as a result of South Africa's white-minority rule have now become one of cinema's most fertile territories.
9.He realized he was haunted by past traumas -- a difficult childhood and a hard hit at home plate by a fastball that broke his shoulder.
10.When yoga teachers come to him for bodywork after suffering major traumas, Black tells them, "Don't do yoga. "