1.If did not take care to hit too much farinaceous cheek red, makeup girl is met above press again a few come loose transparently pink.
2.Scala combined with Spring makes it quite easy to transparently inject services into all kind of objects instantiated at runtime.
3.Dynamic views automatically update, transparently and immediately allowing users to see changes made to a given artifact.
4.The SOA consumers must not be aware of this underlying heterogeneity but must be able to access the integrated information transparently.
5.NET encodes and stuffs the state of server-side objects into a few hidden, and transparently created, fields.
6.Every list throws ups anomalies like this. The important point about this one is that it is done objectively and transparently.
7.Major DNS name services provide these services transparently and reliably. How the provider actually runs the name servers is irrelevant.
8.You can transparently start or quiesce members to the application in such a way that the application is unaware a change has occurred.
9.Peel and Liverpool are transparently trying to attract Chinese money.
10.Grid adopts some open standards, with its own service format to transparently access heterogeneous data resources.