1.a bullet that leaves a line of smoke behind it as it travels through the air; a substance that leaves signs of where it has been, for example as it passes through someone’s body
1.So far only ray tracers have been able to arrive at near-perfect solutions to the problem of global illumination.
2.They target bigger ships at night, lighting up the sky with tracers, heavy-machinegun fire and rocket-propelled grenades.
3.Objective: To choose the best of tracers and tracing time as study on retrograde tract-tracing in sciatic nerve of dog.
4.The first direct tracers included tiny mineral crystals that had been fractured or melted by the blast.
5.This rarity makes them valuable tracers of the flow patterns and other properties that develop early in the evolution of a mini bang.
6.The drone carries two target sleeves inside its cabin and can be fitted with light tracers and strobe lights for night training.
7.Please note that we shall not reply to tracers send to us by collection agent bank.
8.I headed for the space between the fighters and bombers. . . I fired a long burst and saw my tracers penetrate the second aircraft.
9.Recently, source apportionment of ambient formaldehyde based on the statistical analysis by using tracers, is of increasing concern.
10.He glances up as two Scorpions fly overhead. One opens fire one something, its tracers streaming down into the trees.