1.designed for tourists, or full of tourists
1.But, I still managed to snap a few shots with my conveniently sized (and very touristy) digital camera.
2.LAURA: Well. . . now I know this sounds touristy , but I'd just love to go on one of those five-hour-boat-rides around Manhattan.
3.Also, you are a few blocks from the Eiffel Tower-but you don't feel like you are in an overly touristy locale.
4.Thant appears to have spent less time there than in the other venues, and his descriptions often sound touristy, padded or just plain wrong.
5.If you just want to put on a heavy coat and drink a fancy vodka in a modern-day igloo, consider the fun, if touristy, Absolut Icebar.
6.to seafood dinners with fabulous friends he's never met to a solo stroll through touristy Pike Place Market, I could not stop smiling.
7.She enjoyed it partly because 'it's not very touristy, ' she said while removing the spelunker's helmet that visitors must don.
8.We had quite the fun time doing the touristy stuff; Taipei 101, XiMen Ding, etc, with a few drunken nights in between.
9.In the evening, the restaurant puts on a traditional singing and drumming performance that makes it too loud and too touristy for my taste.
10.They took touristy pictures under cherry trees, frolicked like children on merry-go-rounds and slurped noodles on street corners.