1.Used to be the auction market of Anping pelagic port and in 2002 , the City Government started to re-build it into a touristic fish market .
2.The natural scenic spot gathers the essence of natural touristic resources, and is the ideal place of traveling and recreation for tourists.
3."Before the war, this was a touristic place, " she says. "More than 7, 000 cars a day visited here. "
4.Subscribed visitors to the website receive a newsletter and may comment on accommodations, events and touristic attractions.
5.With the premise of protection and the definition by UNESCO, the paper summarized some touristic features of intangible culture heritages.
6.Touristic ethnicity is increasingly important for understanding ethnic relations, culture and identity in the world today.
7.Undoubtedly the most famous touristic activity in the region is a visit to South-East Asia's longest cave: the Mae La Na cave.
8.Dali is a touristic and shopping Mecca for the Chinese. Gringos congregate on "Foreigner Street" for some western food and conversation.
9.There are also a Swedish gazetteer and links to general touristic information about Sweden.
10.A touristic and personal exploration of people and their faces.