1.The 20th century experience with both "left" and "right" totalitarianism shows that this was no idle warning.
2."Any kind of turn towards totalitarianism for Russia would be impossible, due to the condition of the Russian society, " he said.
3.Global warming will define this century, just as the struggle between totalitarianism and democracy defined the last one.
4.It was a flattering picture. In truth, totalitarianism spawned heroism, treachery and corruption in the church, as in other parts of life.
5." Totalitarianism strives not toward despotic rule over men but toward a system in which men are superfluous, " she said.
6.Anti-Semitism is Just as a Multi-prisms, which reflects the entire modern history, especially all the history of totalitarianism.
7.But it would be a mistake to believe that the specific German rather than the socialist element produced totalitarianism.
8.People with prosperity, or at least the prospect of it, didn't turn to totalitarianism, they believed.
9.So Keynes had to produce an answer to the Great Depression, or democracy would be swamped by totalitarianism.
10.In giving the institute such a complicated name, lawmakers had to define "totalitarianism. "