1.a ring of colour, hair, or feathers around the neck of an animal
1.Knowing the state of the rotational motion of a system, determine the external forces or external torques acting on the system.
2.The results of calculation indicate that the blade frictional torques have a magnitude equal to that of the driving torques.
3.In order for a gyrocompass to be accurate it is obviously necessary to hold spurious vertical torques to an extremely low level.
4.By means of numeric calculation, the dynamic response of gear lapping system is obtained under different retarding torques.
5.A large part of the test effort, if not the greatest part, now is directed toward calibration of bias torques.
6.Aimed at a uniform distribution of driving torques, an optimization design of pass parameters is carried out for primary bar rolling mills.
7.But some caution is needed in choosing the center of rotation to be employed in evaluating the torques and calculating the motion.
8.Though an overall check of the allowable torques of various universal couplings, the corresponding safety coefficients are worked out.
9.For material to fall inward, the angular momentum must be transferred away by galactic-scale torques. Bars and spirals can do just that.
10.A speed reducer is elastically connected with an engine base through an elastic combiner to deliver torques.